"If all mankind minus one were of one opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind." ~John Stuart Mill, On Liberty, 1859

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Even though we're seeing signs of Spring...

...we're still taking care of the remnants of Fall.


Joy is a ... leaf pile

"I don't need my rake! Its much faster to do it this way, Mom!"

Thanks for the Bumgenius, Aunt Vicki! I like 'em cause they're o' so stylish! Mom likes them cause they soak up everything I put in 'em!

I will lift my head! How else am I going to know whats going on!?!

Lookin' o' so cute!

I'm getting a little sleepy during all these photo sessions!

I know there are not nearly enough new pics to satisfy you all but have patience, I will post more! As soon as I can manage to take some that aren't blurry! For every 50 pictures there is one that turns out nicely. Stay tuned!


Anonymous said...

Hey so those diapers are working well? Let me know how they hold up in the washing ect. Do you use a liner? what type? cloth or disposable? She is looking so baby cute I just want to squeeze her! Great shots of Max in leaves!

Les is More said...

bum genius on a sleepy baby!! you got it made in the shade, good family. leslie

Myrtle said...

Max's haircut makes him a sharp looking boy. Lily is so cute.