"If all mankind minus one were of one opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind." ~John Stuart Mill, On Liberty, 1859

Friday, June 22, 2007

of high fives & potty drama

Not classic literature, just a Chinese takeout menu we got in the mail
So Max was sitting on the potty having convinced me he needed to poop. (I say convinced because sometimes I think he is just teasing me since absolutely nothing happens!) Anyway he has developed a need for privacy & will sit on the toilet for what seems like hours with me hovering just outside the door. Not because I want to hover mind you, but because at random moments he will call out, "Mommy, I need to hug you" & who could resist that? So this time, after a few minutes of nothing happening, I ran into the living room & popped in the first cd in the stack. If I was going to hang out, I might as well have good tunes, right? As the first song on the Miles Davis cd ended, Max hollered from his spot on the throne, "Mommy, you got soul!"
Incidently, after I finished laughing and the second song had ended, we had poop!

Always the rebel
Little kids love high fives! We do high fives for everything. Getting dressed. Eating all our veggies. Eating any of our veggies for that matter. (Thank goodness for broccali!) Just for the heck of it. Asking for a high five is the sure way to get Max out of a shy mood in those rare instances that one strikes him. But now we have taken it to a whole new level. Max has learned the "Gimme five, On the side, In the hole, Too slow" game that we all played at some point or another. And he likes it. A lot! He laughs that full bodied little kid laugh that incapacitates him just long enough for me to think about getting the camera but then we have to start another round. I'm just glad I was able to convince him that the game should only be used for major accomplishments, like going potty.


Anonymous said...

He looks really engrossed in that menu - you'd think he was reading Dr. Seuss! Glad to hear you've got soul and Max has poop...just doesn't get much better than that!

Thanks for the pics and the description - they gave me a smile when I needed it.

Anonymous said...

Loving reading about the latest adventures of Max - he looks happy to have been able to get out in the backyard and play.