"If all mankind minus one were of one opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind." ~John Stuart Mill, On Liberty, 1859

Monday, March 10, 2008

Wish you were here!

On Saturday about half of the Harris clan descended on my parents house to have a visit with Christal & Jackson & Max & I. We all had the best time! It was the first time I had actually gotten to meet Christal since retail hell keeps me in St. Louis most holidays and that is, of course, when most families get together. Then there was the small problem of distance. Brad & Christal have lived in Australia since they got married & I always seemed to miss them when they came to the States
Mark, Sara, Christal & Jackson

Once Max & I finally arrived (I am sooo ready for Spring! I can't take any more $#&$@ snow!) it was time to eat.

Food & Family
More Food & More Family!

Darling Boys!

I found an Easter egg!
I found chocolate!!!
Max & Jackson got along wonderfully! They had a great time running around, playing, blowing bubbles & hunting for Easter eggs. Once they figured out there was candy (thank you, Mum-mum) in the eggs, things really got interesting!

Peeps? What Peeps? We haven't seen any Peeps?

No more pictures! We're plotting to take over the world!

Max: So how do you like Peeps? They're a delicacy here in America.
Jackson: Very much! In fact, I think I'd like another. Where's Aunt Mary? I know she'll give me more!
Max: Definitely, but don't tell our Moms! They're sure to hide all the good stuff!

Sugar Giggles

Blowing bubbles with Bob

Love those kisses!

All in all, it was a great day! Everyone had a great time, kids & adults. There were a few people who would have made the day even better but I guess we'll have to wait a little while longer to get the whole family together.

We miss you Ian, Brad, Matt, Sharon & Family, Allen, Angie & Family!

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