"If all mankind minus one were of one opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind." ~John Stuart Mill, On Liberty, 1859

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Best sprinkler ever!

I found this great sprinkler at Target & I thought the kids might like to run through it at Max's birthday party. I did not foresee the awesome power exerted by the Spiderman pool which caused everything else to go unnoticed. (At least until it was time for cake.) So it sat unused & lonely in a corner of the back yard. Until now.
It has been so hot in St. Louis that we haven't gotten too much outdoor playtime & for Max's energy level (and my sanity), that is not a good thing! 107 degrees is just to hot for him to be running around all wild & crazy. So after it had cooled off to about 100 one evening we decided to take advantage of the brief period before the mosquitoes really get stirred up to go out & play in the sprinkler. It can be used as either a stationary sprinkler by filling the reservoir in the bottom with water or can be rolled around all over the yard thanks to a nifty hose attachment. At first Max just ran around it, getting soaked & stopping for a drink now and then.
Then he discovered that it would roll. And roll it he did! Back & forth across the yard. Then he noticed that he could roll back toward the front porch. Where we were sitting. Sneaky little munchie!
When he finally got tired, Max decided he would just sit down on it, take a little rest & still keep cool. But the sprinkler had other ideas. Max would ease back & try to put his full weight on it just like a beanbag, but the sprinkler would just roll him right off.
After a few bumps he figured out a position that worked. For a little while, anyway. He just kept wanting to put his feet up.
Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end & with dusk falling fast, the mosquitoes took care of the outside play. Max didn't want to go in, insisting that he didn't have any blood for the mosquitoes to drink & only cooperated when we turned the sprinkler off.


Angie said...

What a cool sprinkler!

Anonymous said...

I agree! Did you and Ian share in the fun?

sara said...

We ran throuh a few times but alas no pics! I know you're incredibly disappointed!